Botanical Garden of Tver State University
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Meeting between two oceans


05.09.2018. Meeting between two oceans. In the springtime, cool Cape Town and blooming, despite the end of winter and early spring, the Kirtenbosch Botanical Garden became the venue for the Global Plant Conservation Partnership (GPPC) Conference - 2018.
More than 120 specialists from more than 35 countries flew to South Africa to discuss the results of the creation and implementation of National Biodiversity Conservation Strategies, the results and challenges of meeting the targets of the Global Plant Conservation Strategy (GCPC) under the Convention on Biodiversity Conservation, and identify priorities and changes to the future version of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation until 2030.
The GPPC conference in Cape Town has indeed become key to the global botanical garden community. After all, based on the analysis of almost 20 years of experience of the world community of botanical gardens, priorities were revised and new approaches to the formation and filling of the targets of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation for the next 10 years were defined. In addition, the GPPG - 2018 Conference in Cape Town has become a unique platform for communication, exchange of experience and, very importantly, for the presentation of the national achievements of countries that are the most visible and active in the world community in the field of environmental initiatives. First of all, the GPPC Conference brought together experts from botanical gardens, because the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation works in alliance with the BGCI.
The presence and participation in the work of the GPPC-2018 Conference was truly fundamental and the Botanical Garden of the Tver State University made every effort to become a member of this key international forum. Our Garden presented at the Conference GPPC-2018 a unique program for the conservation of the moses biodiversity.
In this direction, our Garden has for many years remained one of the leaders among the international community of botanical gardens. Undoubtedly, this is a great success not only for our Garden, but also for the botanical community of the Russian Federation. After all, the Botanical Garden of Tver State University was the only one at the GPPC-2018 Conference! Russian participant.
The Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden has demonstrated remarkable programs for the conservation of regional biodiversity and a stunning level of maintenance of the vast territory of the garden and its display. The end of winter and the beginning of spring, exactly as Cape Town is located in the Southern Hemisphere, was presented to the participants of the Conference with fireworks of the colors of flowering finbosh and veld. Unreal landscapes and even more unreal plants - royal sophisticated proteas, exquisite Ericaceae, exotic strelitzia and carpets of flowering Aizaceae, Iridaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Asteraceae.
Natural communities, stunning their diversity, "not frightened" animals and birds. Remarkable national conservation initiatives and programs. At the Conference, the participants visited the West Coast and Table Mountain National Parks, including the vicinities of the famous Cape of Good Hope, near the very tip of Africa, where the waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet. We are sincerely grateful for the opportunity to take part in the GPPC-2018 Conference - the team of the Botanical Garden of Tver State University, the administration of Tver State University and the Organizing Committee of the Conference.
The greatness of nature! You can't tell otherwise! The nature of South Africa is amazing, beautiful and truly majestic! So majestic that contemplating her miracles and beauty in her heart gives rise to the hope that we will succeed, that we, the people, will be able to save our common Home!


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