Botanical Garden of Tver State University
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                        Biodiversity Conservation        

Project «Introduction of a way to Biodiversity Conservation»

Total information on the project

Research work

Educational Outreach

Practical activities on Biodiversity Conservation

Stock Collection «Rare and Endangered Plants of the Tver region»

Series of expositions «Unique natural complexes of the Tver region»




Biodiversity Conservation




A Center for Biodiversity Conservation in botanic garden and adopted for implementation in 1999 under the program "Strategy of biodiversity conservation in the region of Tver"
As possible ways to conserve biodiversity more carefully examined and worked methodically sections dealing with the establishment of protected areas and regional Red Data Books, monitoring and management of natural resources. While the desirability of preserving rare and endangered plant species in culture was shown long ago, the possibilities of this approach is still unclear enough. Many taxa and ecological groups of plants never in culture were observed. Stenotopic, biological vulnerability of most rare species are a major obstacle to the successful growing them in artificial conditions. Developing a system of environmental activities in the regions work associated with the introduction of plants, as a rule, do not plan to.
For further environmental aspects introductory lines should be large-scale testing of rare and endangered plants of different ecological groups and gain experience in the effective integration of work on the introduction and reintroduction into regional environmental activities. In this regard, topical organization of special studies in specific regions.

The essence of the project.
Carrying out large-scale introductory tests and experiments on the re-introduction of rare and endangered plants on the basis of the Tver region. Organization of different activities for the conservation area in the light of experience gained by the introduction and reintroduction. Promotion and widespread advertising results.

The purpose and objectives.
Purpose: To develop the environmental aspects of the introduction, elucidation of the role and capabilities introductory approach to the problem of biodiversity conservation.
Objectives: 1). On the basis of complex phyto-geographical analysis of the flora of the region to draw up lists of plants in need of special protection, to select species for introductory trials.
2). Gather the necessary materials and create a stock collection of rare and endangered plant species, Tver region, which includes species of different ecological groups with different protection status.
3). Determine the stability of selected plants in the culture and develop the optimal farming technique for each species and environmental groups. For plants, whose culture is very difficult or impossible to conduct experiments on transplant material from natural populations in natural habitats with suitable for their life conditions.
4). To evaluate the results of primary introduction and select the most promising species for experiments on reintroduction.
5). To conduct experiments on the re-introduction and transplantation of plants in the region and to generalize their results.
6). Develop and implement a system of measures for implementing research results into practice of environmental work in the region.





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Botanical Garden of Tver State University

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Biodiversity Conservation