Botanical Garden of Tver State University
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                        News – In the kingdom of Her Majesty Schmalhauseniа        


In the kingdom of Her Majesty Schmalhauseniа


30.08.2017. In the kingdom of Her Majesty Schmalhauseniа. The mountains are beautiful, any mountains are magic. An unusual highland flora, incomparable in dramatic landscapes. The mountains always admire, amaze, surprise. How to convey the feeling that overtakes covers you in the mountains? The mountains of Kazakhstan are romantic and dramatic, shrouded in fog in the Small Almaty Gorge, bright with flowers and ringing waterfalls in the valley of the Kimasar River, majestic and slender as the slopes of the Zailiysky Alatau, covered with forests of Tien-Shan firs in the valley of the Talgar River, overturned by reflections of snow peaks into the waters of the Big Almaatinsky Lake, hovering over the clouds and flowing stony screes and high-mountain meadows into the valleys of the Prohodnoje Gorge. Flora of Kazakhstan - severe and gentle, bright and discreet, unusual in its elegance and attractive in its simplicity! Hundreds of rare and endemic plants, fragile natural communities of extraordinary beauty.
Shmalhauzenia! - yes yes - this is a plant! One Schmalgauzenia in the high-mountain meadows of Alatau is enough to break the heart of the botanist forever! Well, there cannot be a living, real plant on Earth being so cosmic!! But this is not all, no, here, and Comastoma, Lomatogonium, Schultzia, Chorisporaa, Saussuréa, Callianthemum, Minuártia, Gastrolychnis, Thylacospermum, Richteria, Stachiopsis - you can completely lose any botanical head ::)))!
The meeting with dizzying landscapes, unusual natural communities, unique plants has become a truly royal gift from the Main Botanical Garden and the Institute of Botany and Phyto-Introduction of the Republic of Kazakhstan for foreign guests of the Jubilee Conference. Words of gratitude for such a gift cannot even be found! Words of gratitude to the leadership of the Garden and the Institute and the Almaatinsky Reserve, which organized these expeditions, thanked the drivers who lifted cars at a dizzying height and across the rivers and gorges. Words of gratitude to the employees of the Garden and the Institute who accompanied in all expeditions discovering the secrets of the Kazakh Mountains, words of gratitude to the families of the simple gamekeepers of the reserve, who were invited for hospitable tables with national gastronomic wonders. Thank you, our dear friends! Thank you for the hospitality and sincere desire to share with your guests your immense love for the beautiful Kazakhstan.
Happiness, joy and extraordinary pride - it is these feelings that our work gives us - the work of botanists! We live precisely by what we do, because our work is to study, preserve and protect life itself! Life is beautiful, how beautiful are the landscapes, people, plants and traditions of Kazakhstan.


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