Botanical Garden of Tver State University
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                        News – Our common Tulip Ball!        


Our common Tulip Ball!


21.05.2021. Our common Tulip Ball! Of course, the tulip bloom is a flower ball that lasts for several weeks. But there is one special day during this period when guests come to the Garden of the Soul for the traditional family Tulip Ball!
And this year the Garden did not change this beautiful tradition and the Festival took place. Thanks to the People's collective of the OVATION BALL DANCE CLUB, it was a real Ball! Guests of the Festival not only saw classical ballroom dances performed by dancers, but were also able to learn how to dance with their help. The atmosphere of the dance festival was also supported by the children's dance group "Slava". And our wonderful guest added music and beauty to the Festival - the singer of the Tverskoy Music Hall Oleg Nemberg.
The needlewoman and beauty Natalya Dedova presented the guests of the Festival with a creative workshop on making tulips using the origami technique, and on the sun-drenched lawns the secrets of plein air painting were revealed by a member of the Union of Artists of Russia Dina Valberg.
Our dear friends, we have already written words of gratitude to everyone who made the Tulip Ball 2021 possible in the Garden of Souls this season!
But we will not get tired of thanking you again and again !!! The Garden of the Soul has really become for all of us "our common Garden" and it is your help and support that works real miracles and makes the Garden more beautiful every year and even every day! This year ALL tulip bulbs were donated to the Garden and all its guests by you, our dear friends! So that all guests of the Festival would know about the names of everyone who made the Tulip Ball 2021 possible, signs with your names and words of gratitude from the Garden were installed next to all flower beds with tulips. It is so symbolic that flower beds with tulips this year are all colorful :))), because we are all so different, but each is wonderful in its own way. And all together we paint a bright and joyful picture of Life!
Friends, we love you all and are grateful to all of you for your support and friendship. But this season, at this Tulip Ball 2021, we have especially honored guests, all those wonderful, kind, generous and bright people who gave tulip bulbs to the Garden, and we all have a bright spring holiday - a real flower Ball!
Thank you very much, our dear friends:
Yulia Shibanova
Svetlana Sokolova
Julia Kolerova
Nadezhda Panchenko
Evgeny Frolov
Marya Zolotareva
Natalia Nilushkova
Ilya Litvinov
Natatya Shikhareva
Maria Digeleva
Tatiana Shakhmatkina
Lyudmila Vekshina
Ekaterina Moreva
Evgeny Marin
Mother of the Zhdanovichs
Tatiana Muraseva
Natalia Chirva
Elena Godilova
Pupils, teachers and parents of Schools No. 51 and No. 34, Gymnasium No. 10, Regional pre-university complex.
Friends, the Garden of the Soul has long become our Common Garden for all of us, well, now you and I have our Common Festival - "Tulip Ball". Tulips are called the brightest and most joyful smile of spring, so let your every day, our dear friends, be bright and joyful, and life smiles at you!
Sincerely yours, Garden
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