Botanical Garden of Tver State University
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House windows in the Garden


28.03.2014. House windows in the Garden. Botanical Garden of Tver State University and the magazine «Renome" invited guests in creative living room Garden to meet with the symbolic name "House windows in the Garden". This meeting we open a sequence of events and celebrations for the anniversary of our garden - the year of its 135th anniversary. It is no coincidence we say that invited guests to creative living. Emotional and touching spring watercolor Tver artists Irina Lelchitskaja and Dina Wahlberg decorated living room Garden on this day. And just spring fireworks joy of flavor and heat gave Sade living in this day flowers florist’s studio "Golden petal ", and art studio director Oksana Sarkisyan.
The organizers of the festival became director of the Botanical Garden Yuri Naumtsev, rector of the Tver State University Andrew Belotserkovsky with wife Natalia Serditova- Belotserskovskaja, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver region Andrey Rimdzenok and Oleg Lebedev, Tver TV presenter, writer and editor of the magazine "Renome" Nina Metlina.
135 years of age worthy, but the Garden forever young, dynamic and above all forever in my life. Garden brings joy, brings harmony, Garden gives extraordinary comfort the hearts and souls of people who come to him for over a century and a quarter.
Living Garden was filled with flowers and decorated with paintings and lounge Garden sounded live music. Talented children - winners Spivakov Fund were the guests of the Garden that day. This project is implemented in the Tver region, with the support of the party «United Russia" in the project "Russia is important every child”.
After a cozy cabin guests were creative Spring Garden. Garden, who wakes up from its winter sleep, Garden, filled with birdsong, garden which bloomed awaited first snowdrops. Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver region Andrey Rimdzenok proudly spent guests to "Belarusian corner" is the first of a series of garden displays project "Gardens of national communities of the city of Tver". This project is supervised by the deputy group of the Legislative Assembly of Tver region, and we sincerely believe that after the Belarusian garden followed by other wonderful and interesting national garden exhibition. Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Tver region, Oleg Lebedev told about the project "Our common Garden", in which the Botanical Garden of Tver State University organized a series of educational and developmental areas for children and guests of the Garden of Tver . Great help parliamentary group of the Legislative Assembly of Tver region renders Garden in improving its recreational infrastructure.
Great pleasure and great joy was seen on the Garden legislators’ city and the region, business representatives and journalists. Someone has long been true friends of the Garden, someone came to the Garden for the first time. But Garden sincerely happy for all the visitors and we hope that even for those guests who came to the Garden for the first time , it is only the beginning of a long and great friendship . At a meeting in the creative lounge Garden sounded great idea about the organization the Board of Trustees of the Garden, which will include prominent representatives of government, business, creative and scientific intelligentsia of the city and the region.
Ended festival harmony of nature, music and art performances by popular Tver singer Svetlana Koroleva at the yacht club "Tvertsa", which is a good neighbor Garden.
Jubilee, the 135th season of our beloved Garden has just begun, and already so many gifts and guests. Of course, it's a joy, of course, we are happy and proud that so many friends of the Garden. This whole season we will invite guests to the Garden on many festive events. We sincerely believe that the Garden gives people so much happiness and joy as people want to take. In the Garden in new open eyes to the world that surrounds us. Garden laced with tremulous, touching, tender, real life. Congratulations our lovely favorite Garden!


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