Botanical Garden of Tver State University
 Founded in 1875

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                        News – Bird Day - 2013        


Bird Day - 2013


28.04.2013. Bird Day - 2013. Together with his friends garden for many years meet our relatives and loved birds who return home after a long hibernation. Family Festival "Bird Day" is one of our favorites. Preparations for the festival started as early as the day before. Parents and children who are engaged in the studio Landscape therapy "Co-Creation" together birdhouses made during the "Green environmental work day." Birdhouses have turned out not only beautiful, but bright and cheerful. Every family has painted birdhouse for future feathered residents. And on Sunday at the Garden was really crowded and fun. Exciting tours conducted ornithologists Stepanov Mikhail and Yegorov Vasilii. Stories ornithologists were not only informative, but also fun. Birds can be considered in binoculars or a photograph. Our friends had a lot of volunteers and master classes. Birds can be cut out of the fruit, sculpt from clay, folded origami paper, paint colors and pencils. Team Rescue Corps Tver Medical Academy organized a special park Garden area. Here, children can learn how to use safety equipment, and a fun and safe climb trees. Guests were treated to an aromatic botanical tea from a samovar present. In the competition for the best birdhouse participated parents and children studio "Co-Creation", Pushkin’s and Kvakshinskaja schools, school number 22 and 52 of the city of Tver. Birdhouse Sasha Domanov of Pushkin’s school was the best in the competition. At the end of the festival guys from Tver State Medical Academy and Rescue Corps volunteers Fund "Good World" helped hang birdhouses on trees in the garden park.
The Festival was! Beautiful new houses ready for you to our wonderful feathered friends.
We are waiting for you! Sincerely Your Garden


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