Botanical Garden of Tver State University
 Founded in 1875

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                        News – The first "date"))        


The first "date"))


International Competition for family projects
the study and protection of trees in urban environments

Adopt a Tree! - Возьмите дерево в свою семью!
- Tver, Russia -

«We are responsible for those, whom we have tamed»

Antoine de Saint Exupery  

10.02.2013. The first "date")). The Botanical Garden of Peter the Great (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) held its first meeting of the participants of the project "Adopt a Tree!". The curators of the regional stage of the competition in St. Petersburg are grateful to all the teams, whose representatives were able to attend. The meeting focused on Phase 2 of the competition and its timing. Participant’s family teams know each other as well as with their curators - employees of the Garden, spoke about their favorite trees. Those who could not come to a meeting in a week by e-mail will be sent information letters describing the two stages of the contest, its timing and contact details of the curator.
At the moment, to the Competition «Adopt a Tree!» Were 13 family teams. We wish them all success and good luck!


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