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                        News – Travel to the heart of Russia!        


Travel to the heart of Russia!


16.09.2013. Travel to the heart of Russia! 3 International Conference " Living in Harmony: Botanical Gardens and Society - Dialogue without Borders " was finished. But our guests and friends, the participants were able to see not only the Tver and our Garden. They were able to briefly touch the beautiful, wide, generous soul of our Tver region. We invite our guests and friends on a tour of the route Tver - Staritsa - Bernovo -Torzhok . Oh, and a remarkable travel came. Golden autumn heyday of woods and fields with bright colors, watered the flavor of apples, mown meadows and harvested fields. In the Staritsa of the Volga valley and the ancient churches and monasteries. Russian sacrament of faith and magic of the Russian soul. This is where the white-stone bed of the Great Russian River Volga born unfathomable mystery of the Russian soul. Bernovo met with a rustle of falling leaves and foliage. Like the sounds of falling leaves come alive lines of the Great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin - "... charm the eyes." And in Bernovo our guests were on our way, in Russian. So hospitable, wide and fun can meet only in Russia. Council for Cultural Affairs Tver region made ​​a truly luxurious gift for our friends. Do not just walk around the manor house and the park waiting for the guests of the Conference. They were welcomed with bread and salt. Russian tea ceremony with samovars, cakes, biscuits and bagels. Dances, songs and dancing to the accordion, the real fun fair. Students and teachers of the Art-school named Lvov, Tver United Museum arranged for guests such holiday that even the Russian participants were confused. What then we forgot something and do not even know their tradition of meeting the guests, tea gatherings, folk games. Oh, and fun, oh and soul of the tea-table and do not come off, and do not move away from the circle dance :))! Oh thank you, oh we respected, oh and met and held as the most important guests. Thank you my hometown of Tver, did not disappoint countrymen! Was this day and ancient Torzhok . Looked in the clear waters of the Tvertsa domes of temples and monastic cathedrals. And the guests were walking on Novotorzhsky Kremlin, on city streets and the cloister. And namechtalis and seen enough and played enough and incantations, and just could not take his eyes. Good you land Tverskaya . And when were leaving Torzok again “crying» rain. Tver land became sad saying goodbye to the honored guests. Come again, be sure to come. You are not just colleagues, you have become our friends, but almost family. Remember our river and gave the gold domes in the desert of Qatar, in the far Baikal, in Warsaw, with the ocean in Missouri and Minnesota, in Kyrgyzstan and in Tomsk, in Kaliningrad and in Izhevsk. Remember the light ! You are always welcome ! Sincerely, Garden!


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